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             FACEBOOK STORY


Let me tell you a funny story about my friend who got caught using her company’s Internet for personal use. My friend had decided that she no longer wanted to work at her current job, and so she began browsing for other jobs online.

Now this is where it gets very interesting. She posted on Facebook that she received a job offer from another company and asked her friends for advice about what she should do next, and how she should leave her current job. And she did this from home.

But the next day when she went to work, she was called into the office. She was questioned if she was leaving her job. My friend tried to laugh it off and said, “What are you talking about?”

It turned out that her employer had been monitoring her Internet usage, including Facebook, and they even had screenshots to prove it all!

Well, from that day on, my friend has vowed to be very careful with her Internet usage. She now uses social media responsibly and wisely, and keeps her Facebook and LinkedIn accounts private and professional.

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